These tables are built and maintained by Space and Time.


Uniswapv3 Price_Feed model follows the following structure:

block_numberThe block's number.bigint
pool_addressThe address of the Uniswap V3 pool for which the price feed was recorded.string
time_stampThe timestamp at which the price feed was recorded.timestamp
token0_priceThe current price of the first token in the pool, denominated in the second token in the pool.string
token1_priceThe current price of the second token in the pool, denominated in the first token in the pool.string
token0_usd_priceThe current price of the first token in the pool, denominated in USD.string
token1_usd_priceThe current price of the second token in the pool, denominated in USD.string
pool_liquidity_usdThe total liquidity of the pool, denominated in USD.string
token0_totalvalue_lockedThe total value of the first token locked in the pool, denominated in USD.string
token1_totalvalue_lockedThe total value of the second token locked in the pool, denominated in USD.string


Uniswapv3 Pool model follows the following structure:

pool_addressThe address of the Uniswap V3 pool.string
token0_addressThe address of the first token in the pool.string
token1_addressThe address of the second token in the pool.string
pool_feeThe fee charged by the pool for each trade, expressed as a percentage.smallint


Permit2 Lockdown model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
ownerThe address of the account that owns the permit.string
tokenThe address of the token contract that the permit is associated with.string
spenderThe address of the account that is approved to spend the permit.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V3 pair contract.string


Permit2 Nonceinvalidation model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
ownerThe address of the account that owns the permit.string
tokenThe address of the token contract that the permit is associated with.string
spenderThe address of the account that is approved to spend the permit.string
newnonceThe new nonce value for the permit after the invalidation.bigint
oldnonceThe old nonce value for the permit before the invalidation.bigint
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V3 pair contract.string


Permit2 Permit model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
ownerThe address of the account that granted the permit.string
tokenThe address of the token contract that the permit applies to.string
spenderThe address of the account that was granted the permission to spend the token.string
amountThe amount of the token that the spender is allowed to spend.string
expirationA timestamp that indicates when the permit expires.bigint
nonceA unique number used to prevent replay attacks.bigint
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V3 pair contract.string


Permit2 Unorderednonceinvalidation model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
ownerThe address of the account that originally granted the permit.string
wordA 32-byte word that represents the nonce value that was used to grant the original permit.string
maskA 32-byte mask that represents the nonce bitmask used for unordered nonce invalidation.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V3 pair contract.string


Nonfungiblepositionmanager Collect model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
tokenidThe ID of the non-fungible position for which the fees were collected.string
recipientThe address of the account that received the collected fees.string
amount0The amount of the first token in the liquidity pool that was collected as a fee.string
amount1The amount of the second token in the liquidity pool that was collected as a fee.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V3 pair contract.string


Nonfungiblepositionmanager Decreaseliquidity model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
tokenidThe ID of the specific NFT that is associated with the liquidity position being decreased.string
liquidityThis field contains the updated liquidity amount of the position after the decrease.string
amount0The updated amount of the first token in the pair after the liquidity decrease.string
amount1The updated amount of the second token in the pair after the liquidity decrease.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V3 pair contract.string


Nonfungiblepositionmanager Increaseliquidity model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
tokenidThe ID of the specific NFT that is associated with the new liquidity position being created.string
liquidityThe updated liquidity amount of the new position after the increase.string
amount0The updated amount of the first token in the pair after the liquidity increase.string
amount1The updated amount of the second token in the pair after the liquidity increase.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V3 pair contract.string


Uniswapv3Factory Feeamountenabled model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
feeThe Uniswap V3 protocol fee percentage, expressed in hundredths of a basis point (1/10000).integer
tickspacingThe tick spacing determines the granularity of price positions.integer
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V3 pair contract.string


Uniswapv3Factory Ownerchanged model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
oldownerAddress of the old owner who owned the contract before the ownership change.string
newownerAddress of the new owner who now owns the contract after the ownership change.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V3 pair contract.string


Uniswapv3Factory Poolcreated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
token0The Ethereum address of the first token in the Uniswap V3 pool.string
token1The Ethereum address of the second token in the Uniswap V3 pool.string
feeThe fee tier of the Uniswap V3 pool, which can be 500 (0.05%), 3000 (0.3%), or 10000 (1%).integer
tickspacingThe tick spacing of the Uniswap V3 pool.integer
poolThe Ethereum address of the newly created Uniswap V3 pool contract.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V3 pair contract.string


Uniswapv3Pool Burn model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
ownerThis field represents the Ethereum address of the owner of the Uniswap V3 pool.string
ticklowerThis field represents the lower tick of the Uniswap V3 pool at the time of the burn.integer
tickupperThis field represents the upper tick of the Uniswap V3 pool at the time of the burn.integer
amountThis field represents the amount of liquidity burned from the Uniswap V3 pool.string
amount0This field represents the amount of token0 burned from the Uniswap V3 pool.string
amount1This field represents the amount of token1 burned from the Uniswap V3 pool.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V3 pair contract.string


Uniswapv3Pool Collect model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
ownerThis field represents the Ethereum address of the owner of the Uniswap V3 pool.string
recipientThis field represents the Ethereum address of the recipient of the collected tokens.string
ticklowerThis field represents the lower tick of the Uniswap V3 pool at the time of the collection.integer
tickupperThis field represents the upper tick of the Uniswap V3 pool at the time of the collection.integer
amount0This field represents the amount of token0 collected from the Uniswap V3 pool.string
amount1This field represents the amount of token1 collected from the Uniswap V3 pool.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V3 pair contract.string


Uniswapv3Pool Collectprotocol model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
senderThe address that sent the collected fees to the protocol.string
recipientThe address that received the collected fees from the protocol.string
amount0The amount of token0 paid as protocol fee.string
amount1The amount of token1 that the protocol collected as fees.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V3 pair contract.string


Uniswapv3Pool Flash model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
senderThe address of the account that initiated the flash swap.string
recipientThe address where the assets borrowed in the flash swap were transferred.string
amount0The amount of token0 borrowed in the flash swap.string
amount1The amount of token1 borrowed in the flash swap.string
paid0The amount of token0 paid back in the flash swap.string
paid1The amount of token1 paid back in the flash swap.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V3 pair contract.string


Uniswapv3Pool Increaseobservationcardinalitynext model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
observationcardinalitynextoldThe old observation cardinality next value.integer
observationcardinalitynextnewThe new observation cardinality next value.integer
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V3 pair contract.string


Uniswapv3Pool Initialize model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
sqrtpricex96The initial square root price times 2^96 of the token0/token1 pair.string
tickThe initial tick of the pool.integer
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V3 pair contract.string


Uniswapv3Pool Mint model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
senderThe address of the account that executed the mint function.string
ownerThe address of the account that received the minted LP tokens.string
ticklowerThe lower price tick of the liquidity range.integer
tickupperThe upper price tick of the liquidity range.integer
amountThe amount of liquidity (in terms of square root of token0/token1) added to the pool.string
amount0The amount of token0 added to the pool.string
amount1The amount of token1 added to the pool.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V3 pair contract.string


Uniswapv3Pool Setfeeprotocol model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
feeprotocol0oldThe old fee for token0, expressed in hundred-thousandths of a percent.smallint
feeprotocol1oldThe old fee for token1, expressed in hundred-thousandths of a percent.smallint
feeprotocol0newThe new fee for token0, expressed in hundred-thousandths of a percent.smallint
feeprotocol1newThe new fee for token1, expressed in hundred-thousandths of a percent.smallint
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V3 pair contract.string


Uniswapv3Pool Swap model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
senderThe address of the account that initiated the swap.string
recipientThe address of the account that received the swapped tokens.string
amount0The amount of token0 that was swapped.string
amount1The amount of token1 that was swapped.string
sqrtpricex96The square root of the current price of the pool (a fixed-point number with 96 decimal places.)string
liquidityThe updated liquidity of the pool after the swap (a fixed-point number with 18 decimal places.)string
tickThe current tick of the pool after the swap.integer
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V3 pair contract.string