Go SDK (v.0.0.1)
Space and Time Golang SDK (Go version >= 1.18)
Installation Instructions
git clone https://github.com/spaceandtimelabs/SxT-Go-SDK.git
- Before running the code, rename the
and ensure that your credentials are set up in the.env
file properly. You will need to obtain ajoinCode
before you can begin. Please our docs for information about getting yourjoinCode
and APIendpoint
URL. - Install SDK dependencies:
go mod tidy
The SDK can implement persistent storage in
- File-based sessions
- AWS Secrets Manager
The SxT Golang SDK implements API V2 of AWS SDK (https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2). Also, access keys and access secrets are retrieved from sharedConfig and sharedCredentials. You can read more here.
Support for ED25519 public key encryption for biscuit authorization and securing data in the platform.
SQL support
🪄 Support for DDL: Configure Resources - Perform all CREATE, ALTER, DROP commands
🧪 Support for DML: Modify data - Perform all INSERT, UPDATE, MERGE, DELETE commands
💥 Support for SQL: Execute queries - Perform all SELECT commands
🔎 Support for SQL Views: Execute a view
Platform discovery
For fetching metadata from the platform:
- Namespaces
- Tables
- Table columns
- Table index
- Table primary key
- Table relations
- Primary key references
- Foreign key references
- List views
Running all examples at once
contains a complete running example. To run the file:
go run main.go
To pass an existing user, use:
go run main.go -userid=<USERID> -pubkey=<BASE64 STD ENCODED PUBLIC KEY> -privkey=<BASE64 STD ENCODED PRIVATE KEY>
// e.g
// pubkey=SiQrMfU+TfRrqqeo/ZDoOwSrHd9zrG1BCU4oDz+4C4Q=
// privkey=ys3hQPyfojJOzNymc0eWOKUiogQFGv3G+eeEDUBB8jpKJCsx9T5N9Guqp6j9kOg7BKsd33OsbUEJTigPP7gLhA=
// The keys are provided for example and will not work
This will bypass the userid
and joincode
mentioned in .env file.
💡 SxT libraries may generate a 32-byte or a 64-byte base64 encoded private key. A 64-byte key is a combination of 32-byte secret and 32-byte public key.
For details on running the main.go
file, us:
go run main.go -h
It is very important to save your private key used in authentication and biscuit generation, or else you will not be able to have access to the user and the tables created using the key.
The generated AccessToken
is valid for 25 minutes, and the refreshToken
for 30 minutes.
// New Authentication.
// Generates new accessToken, refreshToken, privateKey, and publicKey
func authenticate()(accessToken, refreshToken string, privateKey ed25519.PrivateKey, publicKey ed25519.PublicKey){
// Read userId, joinCode from .env file
userId, _ := helpers.ReadUserId()
joinCode, _ := helpers.ReadJoinCode()
var pubkey ed25519.PublicKey
var privkey ed25519.PrivateKey
var authCodeStruct authentication.AuthCodeStruct
var tokenStruct authentication.TokenStruct
sessionStruct, sessionStatus := storage.FileReadSession(userId)
if !sessionStatus {
// Generate Private and Public keys
pubkey, privkey = helpers.CreateKey()
} else {
pubkey = sessionStruct.PublicKey
privkey = sessionStruct.PrivateKey
// Get auth code
authCode := authentication.GenerateAuthCode(userId, joinCode)
json.Unmarshal([]byte(authCode), &authCodeStruct)
// Get Keys
encodedSignature, base64PublicKey := authentication.GenerateKeys(authCodeStruct.AuthCode, pubkey, privkey)
// Get Token
tokenJson := authentication.GenerateToken(userId, authCodeStruct.AuthCode, encodedSignature, base64PublicKey)
json.Unmarshal([]byte(tokenJson), &tokenStruct)
// Store session data to a local file
writeStatus := storage.FileWriteSession(userId, tokenStruct.AccessToken, tokenStruct.RefreshToken, privkey, pubkey)
if !writeStatus{
log.Fatal("Invalid login. Change login credentials")
return tokenStruct.AccessToken, tokenStruct.RefreshToken, privkey, publicKey
Generating biscuits
You can create multiple biscuit tokens for a table, allowing you to provide different access levels for users. For the list of all capabilities, refer to the biscuit authorization documentation.
Sample biscuit generation with permissions for select query
, insert query
, update query
, delete query
, create table
var sxtBiscuitCapabilities []authorization.SxTBiscuitStruct
// Add biscuit capabilities
sxtBiscuitCapabilities = append(sxtBiscuitCapabilities, authorization.SxTBiscuitStruct{Operation: "dql_select", Resource: "eth.testtable103"})
sxtBiscuitCapabilities = append(sxtBiscuitCapabilities, authorization.SxTBiscuitStruct{Operation: "dml_insert", Resource: "eth.testtable103"})
sxtBiscuitCapabilities = append(sxtBiscuitCapabilities, authorization.SxTBiscuitStruct{Operation: "dml_update", Resource: "eth.testtable103"})
sxtBiscuitCapabilities = append(sxtBiscuitCapabilities, authorization.SxTBiscuitStruct{Operation: "dml_delete", Resource: "eth.testtable103"})
sxtBiscuitCapabilities = append(sxtBiscuitCapabilities, authorization.SxTBiscuitStruct{Operation: "ddl_create", Resource: "eth.testtable103"})
// Generate the biscuit token
biscuit, _ := authorization.CreateBiscuitToken(sxtBiscuitCapabilities, &privateKey)
For multi biscuit support and setting originApp for identifying logs:
// Create multiple biscuits
mb := []string{biscuit}
originApp := "TEST"
Note: To generate a new schema,
permission is needed.
// Create a new schema
sqlcore.CreateSchema("CREATE SCHEMA ETH")
// Only for create queries
// For ALTER and DROP, use sqlcore.DDL()
sqlcore.CreateTable("CREATE TABLE ETH.TESTTABLE103 (id INT PRIMARY KEY, test VARCHAR)", "permissioned", biscuit, originApp, mb, publicKey)
// Only for ALTER and DROP queries
// For Create table queries, use sqlcore.CreateTable()
sqlcore.DDL("ALTER TABLE ETH.TESTTABLE103 ADD TEST2 VARCHAR", biscuit, originApp, mb )
// DML
// use the sqlcore.DML to write insert, update, delete, and merge queries
sqlcore.DML("ETH.TESTTABLE103", "insert into ETH.TESTTABLE103 values(5, 'x5')", biscuit, originApp, mb);
// DQL
// Select operations
// If rowCount is 0, then fetches all data without limit
sqlcore.DQL("ETH.TESTTABLE103", "select * from ETH.TESTTABLE103", biscuit, originApp, mb, 0);
Discovery calls need a user to be logged in.
// List Namespaces
// List Tables in a given namespace
// Possible scope values - ALL = all resources, PUBLIC = non-permissioned tables, PRIVATE = tables created by the requesting user
discovery.ListTables("ETH", "ALL")
// List Columns for a given table in namespace
discovery.ListColumns("ETH", "TESTTABLE103")
// List table index for a given table in namespace
discovery.ListTableIndex("ETH", "TESTTABLE103")
// List table primary key for a given table in namespace
discovery.ListTablePrimaryKey("ETH", "TESTTABLE103")
// List table relations for a namespace and scope
// Possible scope values - ALL = all resources, PUBLIC = non-permissioned tables, PRIVATE = tables created by the requesting user
discovery.ListTableRelations("ETH", "PRIVATE")
// List table primary key references for a table and a namespace
discovery.ListPrimaryKeyReferences("ETH", "TESTTABLE103", "TEST")
// List foreign key references for a table, column and a namespace
discovery.ListForeignKeyReferences("ETH", "TESTTABLE103", "TEST")
For AWS and file storage, the following methods are available:
// File Storage Methods
storage.FileWriteSession(userId, tokenStruct.AccessToken, tokenStruct.RefreshToken, privkey, pubkey)
storage.FileUpdateSession(userId, accessToken, refreshToken, privateKey, publicKey)
// AWS
storage.AwsWriteSession(userId, tokenStruct.AccessToken, tokenStruct.RefreshToken, privkey, pubkey)
storage.AwsUpdateSession(userId, accessToken, refreshToken, privateKey, publicKey)
Updated over 1 year ago