Level 2: Data and Queries
The Data Analyst track is intended for Space and Time users who want to run queries on blockchain data and generate dashboards, mostly using the Space and Time Studio.
Each of the lessons are targeted to take less than 10 minutes to complete. They will typically ask you to perform some specific task on the network, like run a specific query or query a specific table. While you should feel free to explore as you go, do be sure to complete the specific task of each lesson - the network is looking for these specific markers to give you credit for completing the assignment.
Data Analyst Track: Data and Queries:
The activities below are designed to get you started with doing real data analysis on the Space and Time network, including more advanced topics like encapsulating your logic in views or tables.
Completing this section will certify you as an SXT Data Analyst and make you eligible to mint the exclusive Data Analyst POAP, as well as enter to win one of the Top Dashboard USDC prizes.
- Create Queries and Charts: Using Space and Time AI, generate three blockchain queries, and three corresponding charts.
- Create a Dashboards: Create a dashboard using your previously created charts - then share with your friends!
- Create Your Own Views in Studio: Create your own materialized view with one click, and move your charts over to this new super-fast database structure
- Smart Contract Indexing (SCI) Queries: Understand how to request the creation of new SCI tables, and run a query using these specialized blockchain event log tables
Updated 4 months ago