Getting Started

Create a user and run a query!

What is Space and Time?

Space and Time scales ZK-proofs on a decentralized data warehouse to deliver trustless data processing to smart contracts or other secure applications. You can use SXT to join comprehensive blockchain data indexed by the community from major chains with your app's data or other offchain datasets.

More plainly: Space and Time is a decentralized database, loaded with realtime blockchain index data and wrapped with Proof of SQL, allowing it to plug directly into Smart Contracts and other secure applications as a sub-second ZK coprocessor. Or, use Space and Time for analytics using built-in dashboards and preloaded onchain data.

Space and Time Studio is a simplified UX experience that is the easiest path for most people, and for most operations. However, everything in Space and Time Studio is driven by exposed back-end APIs, which is ideal for developers looking to build on (or integrate with) Space and Time. Best of both worlds!

Jump over to Discord to join the Space and Time community!

Create your SXT User

Before you can do anything else, you need a SXT User!

The easiest way to create a new user is with Space and Time Studio, as it has wrapped all steps into a simple UI. To get started:

  1. Navigate to Space and Time Studio web application.
  2. Click on "Sign in" in the upper-right, and then on the "Register" button.
  3. Enter the "UserName" and "Password" you prefer. A few considerations:
    1. UserNames are globally unique across the network, so get your favorite early!
    2. UserNames can contain alpha-numeric characters, as well as underscores ( _ )
    3. Both UserName and Password are case-sensitive, so Alice is different than alice
    4. Password will include requirements to include alpha and numeric characters (for security)
  4. Enter your Email - once your account is created, SXT will send you an email to verify ownership.
  5. Optionally, if you have a joincode, you can enter it here, or you can also enter any time after account creation. If you don't have a joincode - no worries! This is only needed if you're joining an existing subscription.
  6. Click "Create Account" and you're done!


Congrats! You now have a Space and Time account!

If you plan to use Space and Time for real workloads, it is highly recommended you provide an email so we can notify you on updates or changes, or help recover your account. This is treated as a technical operations email, not a marketing channel - communications should be few and important.

To add an email to your UserID:

  1. Login to the Space and Time Studio
  2. Click on "My Account" in the upper-right (replaces "Sign In") and click on the "Account Settings"
  3. In the very first "Profile" section, you will see a location to add / change your email. Simply add a viable email and click "Add Email Address"


Congrats! You've added an email to your UserID! We'll now be able to provide you proactive, important updates to the Space and Time network.


You must provide your email to receive notifications on accreditation.

Run a Query

Running a query in Space and Time Studio is as easy as it gets!

  1. Make sure you're logged into Space and Time Studio
  2. Click on "Queries" across the top (main tab) to open up a new editor window
  3. Try a simple query, for example: get all ETH wallets with more than 1Billion (gwei) for last week
SELECT  -- number of wallets over 1B ETH, by day:
  cast(time_stamp as date) as Wallet_Date
, count(*) as Wallets 
FROM Ethereum.Native_Wallets
WHERE Balance  > 1e9 
  AND time_stamp between current_date-7 and current_date

    3b. If you're not comfortable with SQL, try asking for the same thing using natural language / AI-SQL!

The Space and Time Database understands SQL like any other database, however uses AI to also understand natural language prompts! Make sure the "AI Enabled" toggle in the upper right is active, then type something like:

show me the count of Ethereum wallets with a balance greater than a billion for last week for last week by day

It will first translate your prompt into SQL, then submit that SQL to the Space and Time network for processing. It will preserve your original prompt at the top of the statement (in a comment) so you have context if needed.

It will also generate between 4 and 20 charts automatically - to see those, click on the "Query Visualization" tab between the query editor pane, and the query results.


Congrats! You've successfully run a query on Space and Time!

Get Credit:

You'll get credit for this activity if you:

  • Have a valid UserID
  • Have registered an email
  • Use that ID to run any query that selects from the Ethereum.Native_Wallets table (SQL or AI-prompt)