Sei Core Tables

These tables are built and maintained by Space and Time.

SEI Core Data Model


The blocks model follows the following structure

block_numberThe unique number assigned to the block.bigint
time_stampThe block's timestamp (in ISO-8601 format).timestamp
block_hashThe hash of all the block's contents.varchar
proposer_addressOriginal proposer of the block.varchar
gas_usedTotal gas used in the block.decimal
gas_wantedMax amount of gas estimateddecimal
parent_hashHash of the parent block.string
transaction_countThe number of transactions in the block.integer
last_commit_hashcommit from validators from the last block.varchar
validators_hashValidators for the current block.varchar
next_validators_hashValidators for the next block.varchar
consensus_hashConsensus params for current block.varchar
app_hashState after txs from the previous block.varchar
last_results_hashRoot hash of all results from the txs from the previous block.varchar
evidence_hashEvidence included in the block.varchar


The Transactions model follows the following structure:

block_numberBlock number where this transaction was in.biginteger
time_stampTransaction's timestamp (in ISO-8601 format).timestamp
transaction_hashThe transaction's unique identifier.varchar
transaction_feeAmount paid to the Validator.decimal
gas_usedGas provided by the sender.decimal
gas_wantedMax gas amount of gas estimateddecimal
message_countNumber of messages committed in a single transactioninteger
succeededTransaction Statusboolean


The Failed_Transaction detail model follows the following structure:

block_numberBlock number where this failed transaction was inbigint
time_stampFailed Transaction timestamp (in ISO-8601 format).timestamp
transaction_hashThe transaction's unique identifier.varchar
codeId of the codeint
log_Information about the execution of actions.varchar
codespaceNamespace for the Code.varchar


The Codes model follows the following structure:

block_numberBlock Number where this message was in.bigint
time_stampTransaction timestamp (in ISO-8601 format).timestamp
transaction_hashThe transaction's unique identifier.varchar
message_idUnique identifier of the
action_Action executed within the message.varchar
moduleType for VersionInfo.varchar
senderAddress of the sender of this message.varchar
log_Information about the execution of actions.varchar


The Codes model follows the following structure:

block_numberThe block's number where this code was created.bigint
time_stampExecution Timestamptimestamp
transaction_hashTransaction hash of the store code messagevarchar
message_idUnique identifier of the
code_idUnique identifier of the code.bigint
code_hashHash of the code.varchar
uploaded_byAccount address of the creator of the code.varchar


The Contract model follows the following structure:

block_numberThe block's number in which the contract is created.bigint
time_stampThe time at which the contract is created or updatedtimestamp
transaction_hashTransaction hash of the instantiate or migrate messagevarchar
message_idUnique identifier of the messageint
contract_addressUnique Identifier, address of the contractvarchar
code_idCode IDbigint
admin_addressContract admin accountvarchar
cw2_info_contractContract Typevarchar
cw2_info_versionContract versionvarchar
instatiated_byContract creator accountvarchar
labelThe name of the contractvarchar


The Contract Execution model follows the following structure:

block_numberThe block's number in which the contract is created.bigint
time_stampThe time at which the contract is created.timestamp
transaction_hashTransaction hash of the instantiate or migrate messagevarchar
message_idUnique identifier of the
contract_addressUnique Identifier, address of the contractvarchar
senderThe sender of the execution request.varchar
execute_messageThe details of the executed message within the contract. The type of the message, like claim/swap/transfer, and the details of the execution, such as the amount minted or swappedvarchar


The Contract Execution Attached Funds model follows the following structure:

block_numberThe block's number in which the contract is created.bigint
time_stampThe time at which the contract is created.timestamp
transaction_hashTransaction hash of the instantiate or migrate messagevarchar
message_idUnique identifier of the
contract_addressUnique identifier, address of the contract.varchar
senderThe sender of the execution request.varchar
amountAmount of tokens transferred/minted/used/burned, etc. 18-digit-precision decimal numberdecimal
denomUnique token identifier with its denomination key.varchar


The Native Token Transfer model follows the following structure:

block_numberThe block's number where this token is.bigint
time_stampNativeToken's transfer timestamp (in ISO-8601 format).timestamp
transaction_hashThe transaction's unique identifier.varchar
message_idUnique Identifier of the Messageinteger
from_The token sender address.varchar
to_The token receiver address.varchar
amountAmount of tokens transferred.decimal
denomUnique token identifier with its denomination key.varchar


The Native Wallets model follows the following structure:

block_numberThe block's number where this token is.bigint
time_stampNativeToken's transfer timestamp (in ISO-8601 format).timestamp
address_Address of the wallet.varchar
balancebalance by address for a given denomination.decimal
denomUnique token identifier with its denomination key.varchar


The TokenFactory Msg CreatedNom model follows the following structure:

block_numberThe block's number where this token is.bigint
time_stampNativeToken's transfer timestamp (in ISO-8601 format).timestamp
transaction_hashThe transaction's unique identifier.varchar
message_idUnique identifier of the messageinteger
senderSender of the denom creation request.varchar
subdenomToken identifier without the factory info and creator address.varchar


The TokenFactory Msg Mint model follows the following structure:

block_numberThe block's number where this token is.bigint
time_stampNativeToken's transfer timestamp (in ISO-8601 format).timestamp
transaction_hashThe transaction's unique identifier.varchar
message_idUnique identifier of the message.integer
senderSender of the token mint request.varchar
amountAmount minted for a given denomination.decimal


The TokenFactory Msg Burn model follows the following structure:

block_numberThe block's number where this token is.bigint
time_stampNativeToken's transfer timestamp (in ISO-8601 format).timestamp
transaction_hashThe transaction's unique identifier.varchar
message_idUnique identifier of the message.integer
senderSender of the token burn request.varchar
amountAmount burned for a given denomination.decimal
denomUnique token identifier with a denom.varchar


The TokenFactory Msg Burn model follows the following structure:

block_numberThe block's number where this token is.bigint
time_stampNativeToken's transfer timestamp (in ISO-8601 format).timestamp
transaction_hashThe transaction's unique identifier.varchar
message_idUnique identifier of the message.integer
old_adminOld account of the adminship of a denom.varchar
new_adminNew account of the adminship of a denom.varchar
denomUnique token identifier with a denom.varchar


The TokenFactory Msg Burn model follows the following structure:

block_numberThe block's number where this token is.bigint
time_stampNativeToken's transfer timestamp (in ISO-8601 format).timestamp
transaction_hashThe transaction's unique identifier.varchar
message_idUnique identifier of the message.integer
contract_addressUnique Identifier, address of the contract.varchar
name_Name of the NFT collection.varchar
symbolSymbol of the NFT collection.varchar


The CW721 Msg TransferNFT model follows the following structure:

block_numberThe block's number where this token is.bigint
time_stampToken's transfer timestamp (in ISO-8601 format).timestamp
transaction_hashThe transaction's unique identifier.varchar
message_idUnique identifier of the message.integer
contract_addressUnique Identifier, address of the contract.varchar
recipientUnique Identifier, address of the recipient.varchar
token_idUnique token ID of the NFT.varchar


The CW721 Msg SendNFT model follows the following structure:

block_numberThe block's number where this token is.bigint
time_stampToken's transfer timestamp (in ISO-8601 format).timestamp
transaction_hashThe transaction's unique identifier.varchar
message_idUnique identifier of the message.integer
token_contract_addressUnique Identifier, address of the token contractvarchar
recipient_contract_addressUnique Identifier, address of the recipient contractvarchar
token_idToken ID of the NFTvarchar


The CW721 Msg Approval model follows the following structure:

block_numberThe block's number where this token is.bigint
time_stampToken's transfer timestamp (in ISO-8601 format).timestamp
transaction_hashThe transaction's unique identifier.varchar
message_idUnique identifier of the message.integer
contract_addressUnique Identifier, address of the token contractvarchar
spenderAddress which is spending coins.varchar
token_idToken ID of the NFTvarchar


The CW721 Msg Revoke model follows the following structure:

block_numberThe block's number where this token is.bigint
time_stampToken's transfer timestamp (in ISO-8601 format).timestamp
transaction_hashThe transaction's unique identifier.varchar
message_idUnique identifier of the message.integer
contract_addressUnique Identifier, address of the contractvarchar
spenderSpender of the revoking of the message.varchar
token_idUnique Token ID.varchar


The CW721 Msg ApprovalAll model follows the following structure:

block_numberThe block's number where this token is.bigint
time_stampToken's transfer timestamp (in ISO-8601 format).timestamp
transaction_hashThe transaction's unique identifier.varchar
message_idUnique identifier of the message.integer
contract_addressUnique Identifier, address of the contractvarchar
operatorThe operator who has permission to transfer or send all tokens.varchar


The CW721 Msg RevokeAll model follows the following structure:

block_numberThe block's number where this token is.bigint
time_stampToken's transfer timestamp (in ISO-8601 format).timestamp
transaction_hashThe transaction's unique identifier.varchar
message_idUnique identifier of the message.integer
contract_addressUnique Identifier, address of the contract.varchar
operatorThe operator who has permission to transfer or send all tokens.varchar