These tables are built and maintained by Space and Time.


Collector Newfundsadmin model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
fundsadminThe new address of the fund's admin.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pooladdressesprovider Acladminupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
oldaddressAddress of the old ACL admin.string
newaddressAddress of the new ACL admin.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pooladdressesprovider Aclmanagerupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
oldaddressAddress of the old ACL manager.string
newaddressAddress of the new ACL manager.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pooladdressesprovider Addressset model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
idID of the address set.string
oldaddressAddress of the old address set.string
newaddressAddress of the new address set.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pooladdressesprovider Addresssetasproxy model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
idThe ID of the event.string
proxyaddressThe address of the proxy contract.string
oldimplementationaddressThe old implementation address of the proxy contract.string
newimplementationaddressThe new implementation address of the proxy contract.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pooladdressesprovider Marketidset model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
oldmarketidThe old market ID of the event.string
newmarketidThe new market ID of the event.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pooladdressesprovider Poolconfiguratorupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
oldaddressThe old address of the pool configurator contract.string
newaddressThe new address of the pool configurator contract.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pooladdressesprovider Pooldataproviderupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
oldaddressThe old address of the pool data provider contract.string
newaddressThe new address of the pool data provider contract.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pooladdressesprovider Poolupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
oldaddressThe old address of the pool updated contract.string
newaddressThe new address of the pool updated contract.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pooladdressesprovider Priceoraclesentinelupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
oldaddressThe old address of the price oracle sentinel.string
newaddressThe new address of the price oracle sentinel.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pooladdressesprovider Priceoracleupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
oldaddressThe old address of the price oracle.string
newaddressThe new address of the price oracle.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pooladdressesprovider Proxycreated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
idThe ID of the created proxy.string
proxyaddressThe address of the created proxy.string
implementationaddressThe address of the implementation contract of the created proxy.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Rewardscontroller Accrued model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
assetThe address of the accrued asset.string
rewardThe address of the accrued reward.string
user_The address of the user who accrued the reward.string
assetindexThe index of the accrued asset.string
userindexThe index of the user who accrued the reward.string
rewardsaccruedThe amount of reward accrued.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Rewardscontroller Assetconfigupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
assetThe address of the asset.string
rewardThe amount of reward.string
oldemissionThe old emission rate of the asset.string
newemissionThe new emission rate of the asset.string
olddistributionendThe old distribution end time of the asset.string
newdistributionendThe new distribution end time of the asset.string
assetindexThe index of the asset in the rewards array of the controller contract.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Rewardscontroller Claimerset model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
user_The address of the user who is setting the claimer.string
claimerThe address of the claimer being set.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Rewardscontroller Rewardoracleupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
rewardThe address of the reward token contract.string
rewardoracleThe address of the new reward oracle contract.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Rewardscontroller Rewardsclaimed model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
user_The address of the user claiming the reward.string
rewardThe address of the reward token contract.string
to_The address to which the reward is transferred.string
claimerThe address of the claimer.string
amountThe amount of reward is claimed.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Rewardscontroller Transferstrategyinstalled model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
rewardThe address of the reward token contract.string
transferstrategyName of the transfer strategy.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Aclmanager Roleadminchanged model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
role_Name of the role.string
previousadminroleName of the previous role administrator.string
newadminroleName of the new role administrator.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Aclmanager Rolegranted model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
role_Name of the role.string
accountAddress of the account that was granted the role.string
senderAddress of the sender.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Aclmanager Rolerevoked model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
role_The role being revoked.string
accountThe account associated with the revoked role.string
senderAddress of the sender.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Aaveoraclev3 Assetsourceupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
assetThe asset for which the source has been updated.string
sourceThe new source address for the asset.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Aaveoraclev3 Basecurrencyset model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
basecurrencyThe new base currency for the Aave market.string
basecurrencyunitThe new base currency unit for the Aave market.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Aaveoraclev3 Fallbackoracleupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
fallbackoracleThe new fallback oracle address.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pooladdressesproviderregistry Addressesproviderregistered model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
addressesproviderThe address of the new AddressesProvider contract.string
idThe ID of the new AddressesProvider contract.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pooladdressesproviderregistry Addressesproviderunregistered model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
addressesproviderThe address of the addresses provider.string
idThe ID of the addresses provider.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Poolconfigurator Atokenupgraded model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
assetThe asset for which the aToken was upgraded.string
proxyThe proxy of the asset's aToken.string
implementationThe implementation of the asset's aToken.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Poolconfigurator Borrowcapchanged model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
assetThe asset for which the borrow cap was changed.string
oldborrowcapThe old borrow cap value.string
newborrowcapThe new borrow cap value.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Poolconfigurator Borrowableinisolationchanged model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
assetThe asset for which the borrow isolation was changed.string
borrowableWhether or not the asset is now borrowable.boolean
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Poolconfigurator Bridgeprotocolfeeupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
oldbridgeprotocolfeeThe previous bridge protocol fee.string
newbridgeprotocolfeeThe new bridge protocol fee.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Poolconfigurator Collateralconfigurationchanged model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
assetThe address of the asset whose configuration was changed.string
ltvThe loan-to-value ratio for the asset after the changestring
liquidationthresholdThe liquidation threshold for the asset after the change.string
liquidationbonusThe liquidation bonus for the asset after the change.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Poolconfigurator Debtceilingchanged model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
assetThe address of the asset whose debt ceiling was changed.string
olddebtceilingThe previous debt ceiling for the asset.string
newdebtceilingThe new debt ceiling for the asset.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Poolconfigurator Emodeassetcategorychanged model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
assetThe address of the asset whose category was changed.string
oldcategoryidThe previous category ID for the asset.smallinteger
newcategoryidThe new category ID for the asset.smallinteger
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Poolconfigurator Emodecategoryadded model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
categoryidThe ID of the category.smallinteger
ltvLoan-to-value ratio for the category.string
liquidationthresholdLiquidation threshold for the category.string
liquidationbonusLiquidation bonus for the category.string
oracleAddress of the oracle contract used for the category.string
labelThe label of the category.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Poolconfigurator Flashloanpremiumtoprotocolupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
oldflashloanpremiumtoprotocolThe old flash loan premium charged to the protocol.string
newflashloanpremiumtoprotocolThe new flash loan premium charged to the protocol.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Poolconfigurator Flashloanpremiumtotalupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
oldflashloanpremiumtotalThe old total flash loan premium charged.string
newflashloanpremiumtotalThe new total flash loan premium charged.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Poolconfigurator Liquidationprotocolfeechanged model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
assetThe address of the asset contract for which the liquidation protocol fee was changed.string
oldfeeThe old liquidation protocol fee.string
newfeeThe new liquidation protocol fee.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Poolconfigurator Reserveactive model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
assetThe address of the asset.string
activeIndicates if the reserve is active or not.boolean
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Poolconfigurator Reserveborrowing model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
assetThe address of the asset.string
enabledIndicates if borrowing is enabled or not.boolean
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Poolconfigurator Reservedropped model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
assetThe address of the asset.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Poolconfigurator Reservefactorchanged model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
assetThe address of the asset.string
oldreservefactorThe old reserve factor before the change.string
newreservefactorThe new reserve factor after the change.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Poolconfigurator Reservefrozen model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
assetThe asset whose reserve was frozen.string
frozenWhether the reserve was frozen or not.boolean
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Poolconfigurator Reserveinitialized model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
assetThe underlying asset that was used to create the reserve.string
atokenThe address of the aToken contract created for this reserve.string
stabledebttokenThe address of the stable debt token contract for this reserve.string
variabledebttokenThe address of the variable debt token contract for this reserve.string
integererestratestrategyaddressThe address of the interest rate strategy contract for this reserve.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Poolconfigurator Reserveintegererestratestrategychanged model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
assetThe asset whose interest rate strategy was changed.string
oldstrategyThe address of the old interest rate strategy contract.string
newstrategyThe address of the new interest rate strategy contract.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Poolconfigurator Reservepaused model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
assetThe asset whose reserve was paused.string
pausedWhether the reserve was paused or not.boolean
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Poolconfigurator Reservestablerateborrowing model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
assetThe address of the asset for which the rate is being set.string
enabledWhether or not the rate is enabled.boolean
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Poolconfigurator Siloedborrowingchanged model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
assetThe address of the asset for which the borrowing has changed.string
oldstateWhether or not the asset was previously in siloed borrowing.boolean
newstateWhether or not the asset is now in siloed borrowing.boolean
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Poolconfigurator Stabledebttokenupgraded model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
assetThe address of the asset for which the debt token is upgraded.string
proxyAddress of the proxy of the debt token implementation.string
implementationAddress of the implementation of the upgraded debt token.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Poolconfigurator Supplycapchanged model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
assetThe address of the asset for which the supply cap is changed.string
oldsupplycapThe old supply cap value.string
newsupplycapThe new supply cap value.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Poolconfigurator Unbackedmintcapchanged model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
assetThe address of the asset.string
oldunbackedmintegercapThe old unbacked mint cap value.string
newunbackedmintegercapThe new unbacked mint cap value.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Poolconfigurator Variabledebttokenupgraded model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
assetThe address of the asset.string
proxyThe address of the proxy contract.string
implementationThe address of the new implementation contract.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pool Backunbacked model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
reserveThe address of the reserve contract.string
backerThe address of the user that backed or unbacked.string
amountThe amount of asset backed or unbacked.string
feeThe fee paid to the protocol for the action.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pool Borrow model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
reserveThe address of the reserve contract.string
user_The address of the user that borrowed.string
onbehalfofThe address of the user that borrowed on behalf of.string
amountThe amount of asset borrowed.string
integererestratemodeThe interest rate mode used.smallinteger
borrowrateThe interest rate applied to the borrow.string
referralcodeThe referral code used (if any).integer
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pool Flashloan model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
targetThe address of the contract receiving the flash loan.string
initiatorThe address of the initiator of the flash loan.string
assetThe address of the asset being borrowed.string
amountThe amount being borrowed.string
integererestratemodeThe interest rate mode of the flash loan.smallinteger
premiumThe premium paid for the flash loan.string
referralcodeThe referral code for the flash loan.integer
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pool Isolationmodetotaldebtupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
assetThe address of the asset being updated.string
totaldebtThe total debt of the asset being updated.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pool Liquidationcall model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
collateralassetThe address of the collateral asset being liquidated.string
debtassetThe address of the debt asset being repaid with the liquidated collateral.string
user_The address of the user whose position is being liquidated.string
debttocoverThe amount of debt being covered by the liquidation.string
liquidatedcollateralamountThe amount of collateral being liquidated.string
liquidatorThe address of the liquidator performing the liquidation.string
receiveatokenWhether the user received the corresponding aToken after the liquidation.boolean
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pool Mintunbacked model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
reserveThe address of the reserve where the aToken is being minted.string
user_The address of the user performing the mint unbacked.string
onbehalfofThe address of the user minting on behalf of.string
amountThe amount of the asset being minted.string
referralcodeReferral code used for the minting transaction.integer
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pool Mintegeredtotreasury model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
reserveThe reserve asset being minted.string
amountmintegeredThe amount of the asset being minted.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pool Rebalancestableborrowrate model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
reserveThe reserve asset being rebalanced.string
user_The address of the user rebalancing the asset.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pool Repay model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
reserveThe reserve asset being repaid.string
user_The address of the user repaying the asset.string
repayerThe address of the user repaying on behalf of.string
amountThe amount of the asset being repaid.string
useatokensWhether the repay was made with aTokens or not.boolean
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pool Reservedataupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
reserveAddress of the reserve.string
liquidityrateLiquidity rate for the reserve.string
stableborrowrateStable borrow rate for the reserve.string
variableborrowrateVariable borrow rate for the reserve.string
liquidityindexLiquidity index for the reserve.string
variableborrowindexVariable borrow index for the reserve.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pool Reserveusedascollateraldisabled model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
reserveAddress of the reserve.string
user_Address of the user.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pool Reserveusedascollateralenabled model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
reserveAddress of the reserve.string
user_Address of the user.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pool Supply model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
reserveAddress of the reserve.string
user_Address of the user.string
onbehalfofAddress of the user on whose behalf the transaction was executed.string
amountAmount of tokens supplied.string
referralcodeReferral code used for the transaction.integer
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pool Swapborrowratemode model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
reserveAddress of the reserve.string
user_Address of the user.string
integererestratemodeThe new interest rate mode after the event.smallinteger
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pool Useremodeset model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
user_Address of the user.string
categoryidThe ID of the category to which the user belongs.smallinteger
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string


Pool Withdraw model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction that triggered the event.string
event_indexThe index of the event within the transaction.integer
reserveAddress of the reserve.string
user_Address of the user.string
to_The address to which the funds were transferred.string
amountThe amount of funds transferred.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.string