These tables are built and maintained by Space and Time.


Uniswapv1Exchange Tokenpurchase model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
buyerThe address of the buyer who made the purchase.string
eth_soldThe amount of Ether that was sold by the buyer in exchange for tokens.string
tokens_boughtThe amount of tokens that the buyer received in exchange for Ether.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Uniswapv1Exchange Ethpurchase model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
buyerThe address of the buyer who made the purchase.string
tokens_soldThe amount of tokens that was sold by the buyer in exchange for ether.string
eth_boughtThe amount of ether that the buyer received in exchange for token.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Uniswapv1Exchange Addliquidity model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
providerThe address of the provider who made the purchase.string
eth_amountAmount of ETH withdrawn from the pool.string
token_amountAmount of tokens withdrawn from the pool.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Uniswapv1Exchange Removeliquidity model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
providerThe address of the provider who made the removal.string
eth_amountAmount of ETH withdrawn from the pool.string
token_amountAmount of tokens withdrawn from the pool.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Uniswapv1Factory Newexchange model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
tokenThe address of the token for which the new exchange contract was created.string
exchangeThe address of the new exchange contract that was created.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string