These tables are built and maintained by Space and Time.
Uniswapv1Exchange Tokenpurchase model follows the following structure:
Name | Description | Type |
transaction_hash | The hash of the transaction. | string |
event_index | The index of the event in the transaction logs. | integer |
buyer | The address of the buyer who made the purchase. | string |
eth_sold | The amount of Ether that was sold by the buyer in exchange for tokens. | string |
tokens_bought | The amount of tokens that the buyer received in exchange for Ether. | string |
contract_address | The address of the smart contract. | string |
Uniswapv1Exchange Ethpurchase model follows the following structure:
Name | Description | Type |
transaction_hash | The hash of the transaction. | string |
event_index | The index of the event in the transaction logs. | integer |
buyer | The address of the buyer who made the purchase. | string |
tokens_sold | The amount of tokens that was sold by the buyer in exchange for ether. | string |
eth_bought | The amount of ether that the buyer received in exchange for token. | string |
contract_address | The address of the smart contract. | string |
Uniswapv1Exchange Addliquidity model follows the following structure:
Name | Description | Type |
transaction_hash | The hash of the transaction. | string |
event_index | The index of the event in the transaction logs. | integer |
provider | The address of the provider who made the purchase. | string |
eth_amount | Amount of ETH withdrawn from the pool. | string |
token_amount | Amount of tokens withdrawn from the pool. | string |
contract_address | The address of the smart contract. | string |
Uniswapv1Exchange Removeliquidity model follows the following structure:
Name | Description | Type |
transaction_hash | The hash of the transaction. | string |
event_index | The index of the event in the transaction logs. | integer |
provider | The address of the provider who made the removal. | string |
eth_amount | Amount of ETH withdrawn from the pool. | string |
token_amount | Amount of tokens withdrawn from the pool. | string |
contract_address | The address of the smart contract. | string |
Uniswapv1Factory Newexchange model follows the following structure:
Name | Description | Type |
transaction_hash | The hash of the transaction. | string |
event_index | The index of the event in the transaction logs. | integer |
token | The address of the token for which the new exchange contract was created. | string |
exchange | The address of the new exchange contract that was created. | string |
contract_address | The address of the smart contract. | string |
Updated over 1 year ago