These tables are built and maintained by Space and Time.


Vault Excesstokenswithdrawn model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
tokenThe address of the ERC20 token withdrawn from the vault.string
to_The address where the ERC20 token was sent.string
callerThe address of the caller who triggered the excess tokens withdrawal.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Vault Ownershiprenounced model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
previousownerThe address of the previous owner of the vault.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Vault Accessgranted model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
whoThe address of the user who was granted access to the vault.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Vault Accessrevoked model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
whoThe address whose access was revoked.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Dutchauctioncloser Positionclosedbydutchauction model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
positionidThe ID of the position that was closed.string
ownerThe address of the owner of the position.string
bidderThe address of the bidder who won the auction and closed the position.string
closeamountThe amount of the collateral token that was used to close the position.string
heldtokenforbidderThe amount of the debt token that was transferred to the bidder.string
heldtokenforownerThe amount of the debt token that was transferred to the owner of the position.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Expiry Expiryset model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
ownerThe address of the account that set the expiry.string
numberThe unique number of the expiry set.string
marketidThe unique identifier of the market for which the expiry was set.string
time_The timestamp of the expiry in Unix time.bigint
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Expiry Logexpiryramptimeset model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
expiryramptimeThe new expiry ramp time set in the Expiry contract.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Merkledistributorv1 Alwaysallowclaimforupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
user_The address of the user whose claim allowance has been updated.string
allowA boolean value indicating whether the user is allowed to claim tokens or not.boolean
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Merkledistributorv1 Epochscheduleupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
epochparametersThe new epoch parameters that were set for the distributor.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Merkledistributorv1 Ipfsupdateperiodupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
ipfsupdateperiodThe updated IPFS update period.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Merkledistributorv1 Ipnsnameupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
ipnsnameThe new IPNS name for the contract.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Merkledistributorv1 Rewardsclaimed model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
accountThe address of the user who claimed the reward.string
amountThe amount of tokens claimed by the user.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Merkledistributorv1 Rewardsoraclechanged model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
rewardsoracleThe new address of the rewards oracle contract.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Merkledistributorv1 Rewardsparametersupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
marketmakerrewardsamountThe new amount of rewards allocated to market makers.string
traderrewardsamountThe new amount of rewards allocated to traders.string
traderscorealphaThe new alpha value used to calculate trader rewards.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Merkledistributorv1 Roleadminchanged model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
role_The role that had its admin changed.string
previousadminroleThe address of the previous role admin.string
newadminroleThe address of the new role admin.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Merkledistributorv1 Rolegranted model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
role_The name of the role being granted.string
accountThe address of the account that is being granted the role.string
senderThe address of the account that is granting the role.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Merkledistributorv1 Rolerevoked model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
role_The name of the role that was revoked from the account.string
accountThe account from which the role was revoked.string
senderThe account that initiated the revocation.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Merkledistributorv1 Rootproposed model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
merklerootThe Merkle root hash of the rewards for the current epoch.string
epochThe current epoch number.string
ipfscidThe IPFS CID of the Merkle tree for the current epoch.string
waitingperiodendThe timestamp when the waiting period for the current epoch ends.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Merkledistributorv1 Rootupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
merklerootThe new Merkle root after an update.string
epochThe epoch number of the Merkle distributor.string
ipfscidThe IPFS CID of the Merkle tree file containing the distribution data.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Merkledistributorv1 Rootupdatespaused model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
rootupdatespausedIndicates whether root updates are paused or not.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Merkledistributorv1 Rootupdatesunpaused model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
rootupdatesunpausedA boolean value indicating whether the root updates have been unpaused.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Currencyconvertor Logconverteddeposit model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
senderThe address of the account that sent the tokens to the CurrencyConvertor contract.string
tokenfromThe address of the token that was deposited.string
tokenfromamountThe amount of the token that was deposited.string
usdcamountThe amount of USDC that was received in exchange for the deposited token.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Currencyconvertor Paused model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
accountThe account that executed the pause function.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Currencyconvertor Unpaused model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
accountThe account that initiated the unpause.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Erc20Shortfactory Tokencreated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
positionidThe position ID of the new token.string
tokenaddressThe address of the newly created ERC20 token.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Erc721Marginposition Positiontokenized model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
positionidThe ID of the margin position that was tokenized.string
ownerThe address of the account that owns the margin position token.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Erc721Marginposition Positionuntokenized model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
positionidThe ID of the margin position token.string
ownerThe address of the current owner of the margin position token.string
ownershipsenttoThe address the margin position token was sent to.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Erc721Marginposition Closerapproval model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
ownerThe address of the account that owns the margin position.string
approvedThe address of the account that has been approved to close the margin position.string
isapprovedA boolean value indicating whether or not the approval has been granted.boolean
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Erc721Marginposition Recipientapproval model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
ownerThe current owner of the position token.string
approvedThe address that was approved to receive ownership of the position token.string
isapprovedThe approved address is currently approved to receive ownership of the position token.boolean
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Adminimpl Logwithdrawexcesstokens model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
tokenThe address of the token being withdrawn.string
amountThe amount of tokens being withdrawn.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Adminimpl Logaddmarket model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
marketidThe ID of the newly added market.string
tokenThe address of the ERC20 token for the new market.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Adminimpl Logsetisclosing model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
marketidThe ID of the market for which the closing status is being set.string
isclosingThe new closing status for the market.boolean
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Adminimpl Logsetpriceoracle model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
marketidThe ID of the market for which the price oracle was set.string
priceoracleThe Pricing Oracle.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Adminimpl Logsetinterestsetter model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
marketidThe ID of the market for which the price oracle was set.string
interestsetterThe address of the interest model rate contract.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Adminimpl Logsetmarginpremium model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Adminimpl Logsetspreadpremium model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
marketidThe ID of the market for which the margin premium was set.string
spreadpremiumThe margin premium value that was set.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Adminimpl Logsetmarginratio model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
marginratioThe new margin ratio set by the administrator.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Adminimpl Logsetliquidationspread model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
liquidationspreadThe new liquidation spread set by the administrator.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Adminimpl Logsetearningsrate model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
earningsrateThe earnings rate for the market.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Adminimpl Logsetminborrowedvalue model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
minborrowedvalueThe minimum borrowed value for the market.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Adminimpl Logsetglobaloperator model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
operatorThe address of the global operator.string
approvedWhether the global operator is approved or revoked.boolean
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Bucketlenderfactory Bucketlendercreated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
creatorThe address of the account that created the new bucket lender contract.string
ownerThe address of the account that owns the new bucket lender contract.string
positionidThe ID of the position associated with the new bucket lender contract.string
at_A timestamp indicating when the event was emitted.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Operationimpl Logindexupdate model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
marketThe market identifier.string
indexThe new market index.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Operationimpl Logoperation model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
senderThe address of the account that sent the transaction.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Operationimpl Logdeposit model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
accountownerThe owner of the account that deposited funds.string
accountnumberThe number of the account that deposited funds.string
marketThe market where the deposit was made.string
update_The amount of funds deposited, in token units.string
from_The address that deposited funds.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Operationimpl Logwithdraw model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
accountownerThe address of the account owner.string
accountnumberThe account number.string
marketThe market for the withdrawal operation.string
update_The index update for the withdrawal operation.string
to_The address that received the withdrawal.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Operationimpl Logtransfer model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
accountoneownerThe owner of the first account in the transfer.string
accountonenumberThe number of the first account in the transfer.string
accounttwoownerThe owner of the second account in the transfer.string
accounttwonumberThe number of the second account in the transfer.string
marketThe market in which the transfer occurred.string
updateoneThe amount of funds transferred from the first account.string
updatetwoThe amount of funds transferred to the second account.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Operationimpl Logbuy model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
accountownerThe owner of the account that made the buy transaction.string
accountnumberThe account number of the account that made the buy transaction.string
takermarketThe market in which the buy order was executed.string
makermarketThe market in which the sell order was executed.string
takerupdateThe update value for the taker (buyer).string
makerupdateThe update value for the maker (seller).string
exchangewrapperThe address of the exchange wrapper contract that was used to execute the trade.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Operationimpl Logsell model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
accountownerThe address of the owner of the account that initiated the sell.string
accountnumberThe number of the account that initiated the sell.string
takermarketThe market address of the taker asset (the asset being sold).string
makermarketThe market address of the maker asset (the asset being bought).string
takerupdateThe update ID of the taker asset (the update being sold).string
makerupdateThe update ID of the maker asset (the update being bought).string
exchangewrapperThe address of the exchange wrapper contract used to facilitate the trade.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Operationimpl Logtrade model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
takeraccountownerThe owner of the account that took the trade.string
takeraccountnumberThe account number of the taker's account.string
makeraccountownerThe owner of the account that made the trade.string
makeraccountnumberThe account number of the maker's account.string
inputmarketThe address of the input market contract.string
outputmarketThe address of the output market contract.string
takerinputupdateThe update number of the taker's input market.string
takeroutputupdateThe update number of the taker's output market.string
makerinputupdateThe update number of the maker's input market.string
makeroutputupdateThe update number of the maker's output market.string
autotraderThe address of the Uniswap V2 AutoTrader contract used for the trade.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Operationimpl Logcall model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
accountownerThe account owner address.string
accountnumberThe account number.string
calleeThe address of the smart contract that was called.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Operationimpl Logliquidate model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
solidaccountownerThe address of the account that was holding the solid asset being liquidated.string
solidaccountnumberThe account number of the above account.string
liquidaccountownerThe address of the account that received the liquid asset after the liquidation.string
liquidaccountnumberThe account number of the above account.string
heldmarketThe market of the solid asset being liquidated.string
owedmarketThe market of the liquid asset received after the liquidation.string
solidheldupdateThe updated balance of the solid asset held by the solid account after the liquidation.string
solidowedupdateThe updated balance of the liquid asset owed by the solid account after the liquidation.string
liquidheldupdateThe updated balance of the solid asset held by the liquid account after the liquidation.string
liquidowedupdateThe updated balance of the liquid asset owed by the liquid account after the liquidation.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Operationimpl Logvaporize model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
solidaccountownerThe owner of the account that was liquidated.string
solidaccountnumberThe number of the account that was liquidated.string
vaporaccountownerThe owner of the account that received the liquidated funds.string
vaporaccountnumberThe number of the account that received the liquidated funds.string
heldmarketThe market of the asset that was held in the liquidated account.string
owedmarketThe market of the asset that was owed in the liquidated account.string
solidheldupdateAccount holdings of the asset that was held in the liquidated account after the liquidation.string
solidowedupdateAccount holdings of the asset that was owed in the liquidated account after the liquidation.string
vaporowedupdateAccount holdings of the asset that received the liquidated funds after the liquidation.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Signedoperationproxy Contractstatusset model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Signedoperationproxy Logoperationexecuted model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
operationhashThe hash of the executed signed operation.string
signerThe address of the signer who signed the operation.string
senderThe address of the sender who submitted the operation.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Signedoperationproxy Logoperationcanceled model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
operationhashThe hash of the operation that was canceled.string
cancelerThe address of the account that canceled the operation.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Erc20Longfactory Tokencreated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Liquiditystakingv1 Blackoutwindowchanged model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
blackoutwindowThe new value of the blackout window.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Liquiditystakingv1 Borrowed model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
borrowerThe address of the borrower.string
amountThe amount of tokens borrowed.string
newborrowedbalanceThe new borrowed balance after the borrowing transaction.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Liquiditystakingv1 Borrowingrestrictionchanged model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
borrowerThe address of the borrower whose restriction status was changed.string
isborrowingrestrictedThe new borrowing restriction status, true if restricted, false if not.boolean
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Liquiditystakingv1 Claimedrewards model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
user_The address of the user who claimed the rewards.string
recipientThe address of the recipient of the claimed rewards.string
claimedrewardsThe amount of rewards claimed by the user.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Liquiditystakingv1 Convertedinactivebalancestodebt model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
shortfallamountThe amount of the shortfall in inactive balances.string
shortfallindexThe index of the shortfall.string
newinactivebalanceThe new amount of inactive balances after the conversion.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Liquiditystakingv1 Debtmarked model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
borrowerThe address of the borrower whose debt was marked.string
amountThe amount of debt that was marked.string
newborrowedbalanceThe new borrowed balance of the borrower.string
newdebtbalanceThe new debt balance of the borrower.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Liquiditystakingv1 Epochparameterschanged model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
epochparametersThe new epoch parameters set by the contract.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Liquiditystakingv1 Globalindexupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
indexThe new global index value set by the contract.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Liquiditystakingv1 Operatorclaimedrewardsfor model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
stakerThe address of the staker whose rewards were claimed.string
recipientThe address where the claimed rewards were sent.string
claimedrewardsThe amount of rewards claimed.string
operatorThe address of the operator who claimed the rewards.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Liquiditystakingv1 Operatordecreasedborrowerdebt model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
borrowerThe address of the borrower whose debt balance was decreased.string
amountThe amount by which the debt balance was decreased.string
newdebtbalanceThe new debt balance of the borrower after the decrease.string
operatorThe address of the operator who decreased the borrower's debt balance.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Liquiditystakingv1 Operatordecreasedstakerdebt model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
stakerThe address of the staker whose debt balance was decreased.string
amountThe amount by which the debt balance was decreased.string
newdebtbalanceThe new debt balance of the staker after the decrease.string
operatorThe address of the operator who performed the decrease.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Liquiditystakingv1 Operatorstakedfor model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
stakerThe address of the staker on whose behalf the operator is staking.string
amountThe amount of liquidity tokens being staked.string
operatorThe address of the operator who is staking the tokens.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Liquiditystakingv1 Operatorwithdrawalrequestedfor model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
stakerThe address of the staker whose tokens are being withdrawn.string
amountThe amount of tokens being withdrawn.string
operatorThe address of the operator making the withdrawal request.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Liquiditystakingv1 Operatorwithdrewstakefor model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
stakerThe address of the staker whose stake was withdrawn.string
recipientThe address that received the withdrawn stake.string
amountThe amount of liquidity tokens that were withdrawn.string
operatorThe address of the operator who withdrew the stake.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Liquiditystakingv1 Receiveddebt model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
stakerThe address of the staker who received debt.string
amountThe amount of debt received.string
newdebtbalanceThe new debt balance of the staker after receiving debt.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Liquiditystakingv1 Repaidborrow model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
borrowerThe address of the borrower who repaid the borrowed funds.string
senderThe address of the account that sent the funds to repay the borrowed amount.string
amountThe amount of funds repaid.string
newborrowedbalanceThe new borrowed balance of the borrower after the repayment.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Liquiditystakingv1 Repaiddebt model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
borrowerThe address of the borrower who repaid the debt.string
senderThe address of the sender who repaid the debt.string
amountThe amount of debt repaid.string
newdebtbalanceThe new debt balance of the borrower after the repayment.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Liquiditystakingv1 Rewardspersecondupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
emissionpersecondThe new reward emission rate, in EVT per secondstring
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Liquiditystakingv1 Roleadminchanged model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
role_The name of the role for which the admin role is being changed.string
previousadminroleThe address of the previous admin role.string
newadminroleThe address of the new admin role.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Liquiditystakingv1 Rolegranted model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
role_The name of the role that was granted.string
accountThe account to which the role was granted.string
senderThe address of the account that sent the transaction.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Liquiditystakingv1 Rolerevoked model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
role_The name of the role that was revoked.string
accountThe address of the account from which the role was revoked.string
senderThe address of the account that triggered the revocation.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Liquiditystakingv1 Scheduledborrowerallocationchange model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
borrowerThe address of the borrower whose allocation is being changed.string
oldallocationThe previous allocation percentage for the borrower.string
newallocationThe new allocation percentage for the borrower.string
epochnumberThe epoch number when the change will take effect.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Liquiditystakingv1 Staked model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
stakerThe address of the user who staked the liquidity tokens.string
spenderThe address of the smart contract that spent the liquidity tokens.string
amountThe amount of liquidity tokens staked.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Liquiditystakingv1 Userindexupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
user_The address of the user whose index was updated.string
indexThe new index value of the user.string
unclaimedrewardsThe amount of unclaimed rewards that the user is entitled to receive.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Liquiditystakingv1 Withdrawalrequested model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
stakerThe address of the liquidity provider who requested the withdrawal.string
amountThe amount of tokens that the liquidity provider requested to withdraw.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Liquiditystakingv1 Withdrewdebt model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
stakerThe address of the liquidity provider who requested the withdrawal.string
recipientThe address where the withdrawn debt tokens were sent.string
amountThe amount of tokens that the liquidity provider requested to withdraw.string
newdebtbalanceThe remaining debt tokens balance of the liquidity provider after the withdrawal.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Liquiditystakingv1 Withdrewstake model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
stakerThe address of the liquidity provider who withdrew their stake.string
recipientThe address that received the withdrawn tokens (usually the same as staker)string
amountThe amount of tokens that were withdrawn from the staking contract.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Daipriceoracle Priceset model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
newpriceinfoInformation about the new price that was set.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Hedgies Baseuriset model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
baseuriThe new base URI for Hedgies NFTs.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Hedgies Distributionmintrateset model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
distributionmintrateThe new distribution mint rate that was set by the transaction.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Hedgies Distributionoffsetset model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
distributionoffsetThe value of the new distribution offset that was set.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Hedgies Finalizeduri model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
finalizeduriThe URI for the finalized NFT.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Hedgies Merklerootset model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
merklerootThe new Merkle root value.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Hedgies Paused model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
accountThe account that initiated the pause.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Hedgies Roleadminchanged model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
role_The name of the role whose admin has been changed.string
previousadminroleThe previous admin role for the specified role.string
newadminroleThe new admin role for the specified role.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Hedgies Rolegranted model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
role_The name of the role that was granted.string
accountThe account that was granted the role.string
senderThe address that called the function.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Hedgies Rolerevoked model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
role_The name of the role that was revoked.string
accountThe address of the account that had the role.string
senderThe address of the sender of the transaction.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Hedgies Startingindexblockset model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
startingindexblockThe starting index block for the Hedgies.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Hedgies Startingindexvalueset model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
startingindexvalueThe starting index block for the Hedgies.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Hedgies Unpaused model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
accountThe account that triggered the unpause.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Perpetualv1 Logaccountsettled model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
accountThe account for which the settlement was made.string
ispositiveWhether the settlement amount is positive or negative.boolean
amountThe absolute value of the settlement amount.string
balanceThe new balance of the account after the settlement.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Perpetualv1 Logdeposit model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
accountThe Ethereum address of the user who deposited funds.string
amountThe amount of funds that were deposited (a fixed-point number with 18 decimal places).string
balanceThe user's account balance after the deposit (a fixed-point number with 18 decimal places).string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Perpetualv1 Logfinalsettlementenabled model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
settlementpriceThe price used for final settlement.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Perpetualv1 Logindex model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
indexThe updated oracle index value.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Perpetualv1 Logsetfunder model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
funderThe address of the new funder.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Perpetualv1 Logsetglobaloperator model follows the following structure:
| Name | Description | Type |
| :--------------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------ |
| transaction_hash | The hash of the transaction. | string |
| event_index | The index of the event in the transaction logs. | integer |
| operator | The address of the operator to be approved or revoked as a global operator for the contract. | string |
| approved | The operator has been approved (true) or revoked (false) as a global operator for the contract. | boolean |
| contract_address | The address of the smart contract. | string |


Perpetualv1 Logsetlocaloperator model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
senderThe account that called the setLocalOperator function.string
operatorThe address of the operator being added or removed.string
approvedA boolean indicating whether the operator is approved (added) or disapproved (removed).boolean
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Perpetualv1 Logsetmincollateral model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
mincollateralThe new minimum collateralization ratio.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Perpetualv1 Logsetoracle model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
oracleThe address of the oracle contract being set.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Perpetualv1 Logtrade model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
makerThe address of the maker who initiated the trade.string
takerThe address of the taker who accepted the trade.string
traderThe address of the trader who executed the trade.string
marginamountThe amount of margin currency used for the trade.string
positionamountThe amount of position currency traded.string
isbuyA boolean indicating whether the trade was a buy or sell.boolean
makerbalanceThe balance of the maker's position currency after the trade.string
takerbalanceThe balance of the taker's position currency after the trade.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Perpetualv1 Logwithdraw model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
accountThe Ethereum address of the user who withdrew funds.string
destinationThe Ethereum address of the destination account where the funds were withdrawn to.string
amountThe amount of funds that were withdrawn, denominated in wei.string
balanceThe new balance of the user's account after the withdrawal, denominated in wei.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Perpetualv1 Logwithdrawfinalsettlement model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
accountThe address of the account that withdrew the remaining collateral.string
amountThe amount of collateral that was withdrawn.string
balanceThe remaining balance of the trader's margin account after the withdrawal.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Dydxgovernor Executorauthorized model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
executorThe address of the executor that was authorized.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Dydxgovernor Executorunauthorized model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
executorThe address of the executor that was unauthorized to execute transactions.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Dydxgovernor Governancestrategychanged model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
newstrategyThe address of the new governance strategy contract.string
initiatorchangeThe address that initiated the governance strategy change.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Dydxgovernor Proposalcanceled model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
idThe ID of the proposal that was canceled.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Dydxgovernor Proposalcreated model follows the following structure:
| Name | Description | Type |
| :---------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------ |
| transactionhash | The hash of the transaction. | string |
| event_index | The index of the event in the transaction logs. | integer |
| id | The ID of the newly created proposal. | string |
| creator | The address of the account that created the proposal. | string |
| executor | The address of the executor contract that will execute the proposal's transactions. | string |
| targets | An array of the contract addresses that will be affected by the proposal's transactions. | string |
| values
| An array of the values (in wei) that will be sent to each target contract . | string |
| signatures | An array of the function signatures of the methods to be called on each target contract. | string |
| calldatas | An array of the encoded data to be sent with each corresponding transaction. | string |
| withdelegatecalls | A boolean indicating whether delegatecall will be used instead of call | boolean |
| startblock | The block number at which the proposal can be executed. | string |
| endblock | The block number at which the proposal's voting period will end. | string |
| strategy | The address of the contract that implements the governance strategy. | string |
| ipfshash | An IPFS hash that can be used to retrieve additional proposal details off-chain. | string |
| contract_address | The address of the smart contract. | string |


Dydxgovernor Proposalexecuted model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
idThe ID of the proposal that was executed.string
initiatorexecutionThe address of the account that initiated the execution of the proposal.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Dydxgovernor Proposalqueued model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
idThe ID of the proposal that was queued.string
executiontimeThe timestamp when the proposal will be executed.string
initiatorqueueingThe address that queued the proposal.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Dydxgovernor Roleadminchanged model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
role_The name of the role that had its admin changed.string
previousadminroleThe address of the previous admin for the role.string
newadminroleThe address of the new admin for the role.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Dydxgovernor Rolegranted model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
role_The name of the role that was granted.string
accountThe address of the account that was granted the role.string
senderThe address of the account that granted the role.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Dydxgovernor Rolerevoked model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
role_The name of the role that was revoked.string
accountThe address of the account that had the role revoked.string
senderThe address of the account that initiated the revocation.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Dydxgovernor Voteemitted model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
idThe ID of the proposal that the user voted on.string
voterThe address of the user who emitted the vote.string
supportWhether the user supports the proposal.boolean
votingpowerThe voting power of the user.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Dydxgovernor Votingdelaychanged model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
newvotingdelayThe new voting delay period for proposals.string
initiatorchangeThe address of the account that initiated the change.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Expiryv2 Expiryset model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
ownerThe address of the account that set the expiry.string
numberThe number of the expiry set.string
marketidThe ID of the market to which the expiry belongs.string
time_The new timestamp for the expiry.bigint
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Expiryv2 Logexpiryramptimeset model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
expiryramptimeThe new ramp-up time for option expiry.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Expiryv2 Logsenderapproved model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
approverThe address of the account that approved the sender to create positions.string
senderThe address of the approved sender account.string
mintimedeltaThe minimum time between expiry and creation that the approved sender is allowed to create positions.bigint
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Dydxtoken Delegatechanged model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
delegatorThe account whose delegate has been changed.string
delegateeThe new delegate of the account.string
delegationtypeThe type of delegation. 0 = standard delegation; 1 = a voting delegation.smallint
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Dydxtoken Delegatedpowerchanged model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
user_The address of the user whose delegated voting power has changed.string
amountThe amount of voting power that has been delegated by the user.string
delegationtypeThe type of delegation (1 = Proposal, 2 = Voting).smallint
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Dydxtoken Transferallowlistupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
accountThe account for which the transfer allowlist was updated.string
isallowedA boolean indicating whether the account is now allowed to receive transfers or not.boolean
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Dydxtoken Transfersrestrictedbeforeupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
transfersrestrictedbeforeThe new timestamp before which transfers are restricted, represented as a string.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Limitorders Contractstatusset model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
operationalIndicates whether the contract is operational or not.boolean
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Limitorders Loglimitordercanceled model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
orderhashThe hash of the canceled order.string
cancelerThe Ethereum address of the account that canceled the order.string
makermarketThe address of the market where the canceled order was placed by the maker.string
takermarketThe address of the market where the canceled order was supposed to be executed against a taker's order.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Limitorders Loglimitorderapproved model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
orderhashThe hash of the order.string
approverThe address of the approver.string
makermarketThe address of the maker market.string
takermarketThe address of the taker market.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Limitorders Loglimitorderfilled model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
orderhashThe unique identifier of the order that was filled.string
ordermakerThe address of the maker of the limit order.string
makerfillamountThe amount of the maker asset that was filled in this transaction.string
totalmakerfilledamountThe total amount of the maker asset that has been filled for this limit order.string
contract_addressThe address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract.string


Tokenproxy Ownershiprenounced model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
previousownerThe address of the previous owner of the token proxy contract.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Tokenproxy Accessgranted model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
whoThe address of the user that was granted access.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Tokenproxy Accessrevoked model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
whoThe address of the user that was granted access.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string