These tables are built and maintained by Space and Time.


Ethlendtoken Logbuy model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
ownerThe address of the buyer.string
value_The amount of tokens bought.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Ethlendtoken Logburn model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
ownerThe address of the buyer.string
value_The amount of tokens bought.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Lendingpoolcore Reserveupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
reserveThe address of the reserve which has been updated.string
liquidityrateThe new liquidity rate of the reserve.string
stableborrowrateThe new stable borrow rate of the reserve.string
variableborrowrateThe new variable borrow rate of the reserve.string
liquidityindexThe new liquidity index of the reserve.string
variableborrowindexThe new variable borrow index of the reserve.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Aavepropositionpower Minteradded model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
accountThe address of the account that was added as a minter.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Aavepropositionpower Minterremoved model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
accountThe Ethereum address of the minter that was removed.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Stakedaave Assetconfigupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
assetThe address of the asset.string
emissionThe new emission rate of the asset.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Stakedaave Assetindexupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
assetThe address of the asset whose index was updated.string
indexThe new index value for the asset.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Stakedaave Cooldown model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
user_The address of the user who initiated the cooldown.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Stakedaave Redeem model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
from_The address that redeemed the Staked Aave tokens.string
to_The destination address of the redeemed tokens.string
amountThe amount of Staked Aave tokens redeemed.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Stakedaave Rewardsaccrued model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
user_The address of the user who accrued the rewards.string
amountThe amount of rewards accrued by the user.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Stakedaave Rewardsclaimed model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
from_The address of the user who claimed the rewards.string
to_The address of the account where the rewards were transferred.string
amountThe amount of rewards claimed.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Stakedaave Snapshotdone model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
ownerThe address of the account that initiated the snapshot.string
oldvalueThe previous value of the snapshot counter.string
newvalueThe new value of the snapshot counter after the snapshot was taken.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Stakedaave Staked model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
from_The address of the user who performed the staking action.string
onbehalfofThe address of the entity on whose behalf the user performed the staking action (if any).string
amountThe amount of AAVE tokens staked.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Stakedaave Userindexupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
user_The address of the user whose index has been updated.string
assetThe asset for which the user's index has been updated.string
indexThe updated index value for the user.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Aavecollateralvaultproxy Borrow model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
vaultThe address of the collateral vault used for borrowing.string
ownerThe address of the borrower.string
reserveThe address of the underlying asset being borrowed.string
amountThe amount of the underlying asset borrowed.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Aavecollateralvaultproxy Decreaselimit model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
vaultThe address of the collateral vault contract.string
ownerThe address of the owner of the collateral vault.string
spenderThe address of the account whose collateral limit was decreased.string
limitThe new collateral limit of the account.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Aavecollateralvaultproxy Deployvault model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
vaultThe address of the newly deployed collateral vault.string
ownerThe address of the user who owns the new collateral vault.string
assetThe address of the asset that is being used as collateral in the new collateral vault.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Aavecollateralvaultproxy Deposit model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
vaultThe address of the vault where the deposit was made.string
ownerThe address of the user who made the deposit.string
reserveThe address of the asset reserve where the deposit was made.string
amountThe amount of asset deposited.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Aavecollateralvaultproxy Increaselimit model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
vaultThe address of the collateral vault contract.string
ownerThe address of the account that owns the collateral vault.string
spenderThe address of the entity that increased the borrow limit.string
limitThe new borrow limit after the increase.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Aavecollateralvaultproxy Repay model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
vaultThe address of the vault that the user repaid.string
ownerThe address of the user who repaid the debt.string
reserveThe address of the asset that was used to repay the debt.string
amountThe amount of the asset that was used to repay the debt.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Aavecollateralvaultproxy Setborrow model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
vaultThe address of the vault that the user repaid.string
ownerThe address of the user who repaid the debt.string
reserveThe address of the asset that was used to repay the debt.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Aavecollateralvaultproxy Setmodel model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
vaultThe address of the Vault contract.string
ownerThe address of the owner of the Vault.string
modelThe address of the new interest rate model contract.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Aavecollateralvaultproxy Withdraw model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
vaultThe address of the collateral vault.string
ownerThe address of the owner of the collateral vault.string
reserveThe address of the reserve token.string
amountThe amount of tokens withdrawn.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Atoken Balancetransfer model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
_fromThe address from which the transfer occurred.string
_toThe address to which the transfer occurred.string
_valueThe amount of aTokens transferred.string
_frombalanceincreaseThe change in balance of the _from address due to the transfer.string
_tobalanceincreaseThe change in balance of the _to address due to the transfer.string
_fromindexThe index of the _from address before the transfer.string
_toindexThe index of the _to address before the transfer.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Atoken Burnonliquidation model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
_fromThe address of the user whose tokens were burned.string
_valueThe amount of aTokens burned.string
_frombalanceincreaseThe change in the user's balance of aTokens after the burn.string
_fromindexThe index of the user's balance in the aToken's internal array of balances.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Atoken Interestredirectionallowancechanged model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
_fromThe address of the user.string
_toThe address to which the transfer occurred.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Atoken Intereststreamredirected model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
_fromThe address from which the interest stream was redirected.string
_toThe address to which the interest stream was redirected.string
_redirectedbalanceThe amount of redirected balance.string
_frombalanceincreaseThe increase in the balance of the address from which the interest stream was redirected.string
_fromindexThe index of the address from which the interest stream was redirected.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Atoken Mintondeposit model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
_fromThe address of the account that minted the aTokens.string
_valueThe amount of aTokens that were minted.string
_frombalanceincreaseThe increase in the balance of the _from account after minting the aTokens.string
_fromindexThe updated index of the _from account after minting the aTokens.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Atoken Redeem model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
_fromThe address of the user who redeemed the tokens.string
_valueThe amount of tokens redeemed.string
_frombalanceincreaseThe increase in the balance of the user's account after the redemption.string
_fromindexThe index of the user's account in the global list of accounts.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Atoken Redirectedbalanceupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
_targetaddressThe address that the interest is being redirected to.string
_targetbalanceincreaseThe increase in balance due to the redirection.string
_targetindexThe index of the address in the AToken's balance array.string
_redirectedbalanceaddedThe amount of interest added to the redirected balance.string
_redirectedbalanceremovedThe amount of interest removed from the redirected balance.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Lendingpool Borrow model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
_reserveThe address of the asset being borrowed.string
_userThe address of the user borrowing the funds.string
_amountThe amount of the asset being borrowed.string
_borrowratemodeThe type of interest rate mode selected for the loan.string
_borrowrateThe interest rate of the loan.string
_originationfeeThe origination fee charged for the loan.string
_borrowbalanceincreaseThe increase in the user's borrow balance after the loan is taken.string
_referralReferral code used to track user acquisition sources.integer
_timestampThe timestamp of the block in which the event was emitted.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Lendingpool Deposit model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
_reserveThe address of the reserve where the deposit was made.string
_userThe address of the user who made the deposit.string
_amountThe amount of tokens deposited.string
_referralAn integer value indicating the referral used by the user to make the deposit.integer
_timestampA string representation of the timestamp when the deposit was made.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Lendingpool Flashloan model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
_targetThe address of the contract that initiated the flash loan.string
_reserveThe address of the asset that was borrowed.string
_amountThe amount of the asset that was borrowed.string
_totalfeeThe total fee charged for the flash loan, in the same asset that was borrowed.string
_protocolfeeThe portion of the total fee that goes to the Aave protocol, in the same asset that was borrowed.string
_timestampThe timestamp of the block in which the flash loan was executed.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Lendingpool Liquidationcall model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
_collateralThe address of the collateral token.string
_reserveThe address of the reserve being liquidated.string
_userThe address of the user being liquidated.string
_purchaseamountThe amount of the reserve being liquidated.string
_liquidatedcollateralamountThe amount of collateral being liquidated.string
_accruedborrowinterestThe amount of accrued interest on the borrowed reserve being liquidated.string
_liquidatorThe address of the liquidator.string
_receiveatokenA boolean indicating whether the liquidator received aTokens or the underlying asset as proceeds from the liquidation.boolean
_timestampThe timestamp of the liquidation.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Lendingpool Originationfeeliquidated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
_collateralThe address of the collateral asset that was liquidated.string
_reserveThe address of the reserve asset that was borrowed.string
_userThe address of the borrower whose position was liquidated.string
_feeliquidatedThe amount of origination fee that was liquidated from the borrower's position.string
_liquidatedcollateralforfeeThe amount of collateral that was liquidated to pay for the origination fee.string
_timestampThe timestamp of the block in which the transaction was included.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Lendingpool Rebalancestableborrowrate model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
_reserveThe address of the borrower whose position was liquidated.string
_userA string containing the address of the borrower whose position was liquidated.string
_newstablerateThe new stable borrowing rate after the adjustment.string
_borrowbalanceincreaseThe increase in the borrower's debt balance due to the adjustment.string
_timestampThe timestamp of the Ethereum block that included the transaction.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Lendingpool Redeemunderlying model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
_reserveThe address of the underlying asset that is being redeemed.string
_userThe address of the user redeeming the underlying asset.string
_amountThe amount of underlying asset being redeemed.string
_timestampThe timestamp of the Ethereum block that included the transaction.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Lendingpool Repay model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
_reserveThe reserve asset being repaid.string
_userThe address of the user making the repayment.string
_repayerThe address of the account making the repayment on behalf of the user, if applicable.string
_amountminusfeesThe amount of the repayment, minus any fees.string
_feesThe fees charged for the repayment.string
_borrowbalanceincreaseThe amount by which the user's borrow balance increases as a result of the repayment.string
_timestampThe timestamp of the block in which the transaction was included.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Lendingpool Reserveusedascollateraldisabled model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
_reserveThe reserve asset being repaid.string
_userThe address of the user making the repayment.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Lendingpool Reserveusedascollateralenabled model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
_reserveThe reserve asset being repaid.string
_userThe address of the user making the repayment.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Lendingpool Swap model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
_reserveThe address of the asset being swapped.string
_userThe address of the user who performed the swap.string
_newratemodeThe new interest rate mode selected by the user after the swap.string
_newrateThe new interest rate after the swap.string
_borrowbalanceincr easeThe amount by which the user's borrow balance increases as a result of the swap.string
_timestampThe timestamp of the block in which the transaction was included.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Lendtoaavemigrator Lendmigrated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
senderThe address of the sender of the transaction.string
amountThe amount of tokens that were migrated.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Aavetoken Snapshotdone model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
ownerThis column represents the owner of the_EVT_tokens.string
oldvalueThis column represents the old value of the_EVT_tokens before the snapshot was taken.string
newvalueThis column represents the new value of the_EVT_tokens after the snapshot was taken.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Aavegenesisproposalpayload Proposalexecuted model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
proposalexecutedThe event that executed the proposal.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Assetvotingweightprovider Assetweightset model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
assetThe asset whose weight was updated.string
setterThe address that set the new weight value.string
weightThe new weight value set for the asset.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Lendingpooladdressesprovider Ethereumaddressupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
newaddressThe new Ethereum address that was updated.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Lendingpooladdressesprovider Feeproviderupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
newaddressThe new Ethereum address that was updated.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Lendingpooladdressesprovider Lendingpoolconfiguratorupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
newaddressThe new Ethereum address that was updated.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Lendingpooladdressesprovider Lendingpoolcoreupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
newaddressThe new Ethereum address that was updated.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Lendingpooladdressesprovider Lendingpooldataproviderupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
newaddressThe new Ethereum address that was updated.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Lendingpooladdressesprovider Lendingpoolliquidationmanagerupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
newaddressThe new Ethereum address that was updated.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Lendingpooladdressesprovider Lendingpoolmanagerupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
newaddressThe new Ethereum address that was updated.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Lendingpooladdressesprovider Lendingpoolparametersproviderupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
newaddressThe new Ethereum address that was updated.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Lendingpooladdressesprovider Lendingpoolupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
newaddressThe new Ethereum address that was updated.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Lendingpooladdressesprovider Lendingrateoracleupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
newaddressThe new Ethereum address that was updated.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Lendingpooladdressesprovider Priceoracleupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
newaddressThe new Ethereum address that was updated.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Lendingpooladdressesprovider Proxycreated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
idThe ID of the new proxy contract that was created.string
newaddressThe new Ethereum address that was updated.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Lendingpooladdressesprovider Tokendistributorupdated model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
newaddressThe new Ethereum address that was updated.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Governanceparamsprovider Assetvotingweightproviderset model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
setterThe address that set the new asset voting weight provider address.string
assetvotingweightproviderThe new asset voting weight provider address.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Governanceparamsprovider Propositionpowerset model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
setterThe address that set the new asset voting weight provider address.string
propositionpowerThe new proposition power value set for the governance system.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string


Governanceparamsprovider Propositionpowerthresholdset model follows the following structure:

transaction_hashThe hash of the transaction.string
event_indexThe index of the event in the transaction logs.integer
setterThe address that set the new proposition power threshold value.string
propositionpowerthresholdThe new proposition power threshold value set for the governance system.string
contract_addressThe address of the smart contract.string