Space and Time Release 1.01
8 months ago by Stephen Hilton
Space and Time Data Network - Updates
- New Features:
- Initial release of ledger tables
- Enhancements:
- GraphQL datetime data type and bugfixes
- Enhanced SQL insert performance
- Improved overall database reliability
- Customer data query engine is now Postgres syntax compliant!
We have adopted a more widely used SQL syntax with PostgreSQL, starting with customer tables. Blockchain tables will remain on the current syntax for now, as will queries that join onchain and offchain data together. In the near-term we will migrate blockchain to this same syntax for consistency.
- Potential breaking changes:
- Where PostgreSQL syntax conflicted with the older SQL syntax, Space and Time will now honor the PostgreSQL syntax for customer tables. In a small number of edge cases, this may require a query change to update the syntax.
- The Kafka Streaming services have been temporarily suspended, as we complete network changes in support of our coming Mainnet. Space and Time can provide alternate interim solutions (like containerized consumers) until service is restored. Check back soon for the new and improved streaming services!